Kamis, 30 November 2017

Favorite traveling experience.

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Favorite traveling experience.

Pantai Teluk Mak Jantu

Introducing my name Indra Sanjaya, waling is one way to get rid of boredom when I begin to feel bored with my daily activities as a student. Unable to be denied too, you who are reading this story may experience the same thing with me, right ????. If indeed the answer is "IYA" and it happens in these comrades is a very natural thing. To eliminate boredom or saturation of course can be done easily, especially by doing a hobby that we like. But what if how to get rid of this boredom done in an interesting way as I will tell below ????. In addition we feel the fresh atmosphere with wind gusts, we will also know more about the natural resources that exist in our country. This activity is usually called traveling or the Indonesian language is a walk. This is perfect we do when the holidays to release the fatigue of our work routine sahari-hari. For students of course activities like this may be difficult moments in the can, this is also how I felt when college assignments piled up. But in the free time and the holidays from lectures or holidays from work things for the streets we can feel. The story is like this, after I was less than 1tahun in Pontianak this moment that I wait-tungggu. My trip to Traveling this time to the Gulf Coast Mak Jantu. Time travel long enough because the distance is quite far if we drive from the city of Pontianak, when using a motorbike, I had a boyfriend and friend scheme spent 3 hours from the city of Pontianak. Although feels long in the journey, when we've got tired during the trippun paid by the beauty of nature of Indonesia, because we can go to the island of Simping is surrounded by a very beautiful beach.   Where is Teluk Jantu Bay Beach? is there really the smallest island in the world? wah if it really means cool dong, our country Indonesia has one of the beaches that can be a characteristic and attraction for its pengunjugn ?? yes exactly, rather than curious yok see how I tell and introduce the beach that is still not much known by the people of
Simping Island is the smallest island in the world recognized by the UN in Kalaimantan Barat. Maybe not many people who know and visit the island of Simping, but after reading this paper I hope you become know, in addition to adding insight, you can also mengatehui that Indonesia is where the island terkecildi this world. On this beach is the island of simping

Teluk Jantu Bay Beach is located in the area of ​​sync island in Singkawang, Sambas regency, West Kalimantan. The facts on the beaches that are in Indonesia are very much of course, and which I will introduce to my friends this reader is Teluk bay beach, which has a beauty that is not less interesting with other beaches, especially located in the smallest island of the world that is Simping Island.

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