Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

NIM       : D1131171031

Chai kwe steamed and Chai kwe fry at Cafe Gleam Chai kwe kukus dan Chai kwe goreng

Initially Gleam Cafe pioneered from a home industry, which sells cake chai from one place to another. Over time, their cookie chai has many fans. Finally they try to open a special place to sell chai cake only. For two more years there, they moved to Tamar Street. In their new place is always busy visited by consumers. Almost never empty every day. In a day, they are able to sell 3000 chai cakes. But if the days are big, they can sell over 5000 chai cakes. They sell Rp 800 per pcs. As for fried cake chai Rp 7,000 per portion. In addition to serving hot and fried steamed chai variants, Gleam Cafe also serves a variety of snacks and other heavy. Among them are ta noodles, tomyam, salted egg fish and grilled fish seasoning Bali. As well as various ice cream also exist. It's a good place to hang out. The parking lot is very spacious, so no need to worry to park your car or motorcycle.  Pontianak city is a city with a diverse center of culinary delights. It is illegitimate to visit Pontianak, without tasting the typical cuisine. Of all the typical Pontianak culinary, the easiest and often found the chai cake (choi pan). Almost in all corners of Pontianak selling this one snack. Chai cakes are generally made from rice flour dough and mixed with a little sago / tapioca, which is filled with various vegetables. Chai cake cooked by steamed or fried way. And often found cake chai has several variations of the contents. Namely chives, bengkuang, bamboo shoots, taro and nuts. Each place has its own distinct features. Different place of course different flavor. Well, if you want to eat hot and fried steamed chai, Gleam Cafe is the place. Chai is a home-made cafe cake on Jl Tamar, very tasty. You will be hooked after enjoying it. Sometimes if you eat it with friends is not enough just a baking sheet. In order to be different from other chai cake sellers, they also serve chai pastry fry with more varied contents, such as seafood (mixed shrimp, squid, and chicken meat), beef, and chicken. Chai their fried pastry is second to none.

Senin, 23 Oktober 2017

NIM : D1131171031

Tugas video

Kura-Kura Beach

Turtle beach is a beach located in bengkayang district,which is directly adjacent to the city of singkawang,this beach is in the area of the bald headlends.
For those of you who want to vacation with the beach atmosphere and the hilly and rural atmosphere I highly recommand this tourist place by paying Rp 10.000  person you can enjoy the atmosphere that has not been there elsewhere. Distance from pontianak city to kura kura beach as far as 110 km or 3 hours drive while from singkawang city only takes 15-20 minute only.

Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017

Tugas Bahasa Inggris (Dreams and Ambitions after 5 years to come)

NIM      : D1131171031

Ambition is a goal, be determined to achieve a great desire and must be really accepted so if asked my ambition in the next 5 years is I want to participate in building the areas behind, I want when I graduate science I can be on the bench lectures can apply me, I can apply in the development. In addition I want to work in PT.PINDAD company in the country where I also want to create a sophisticated new weapon for the country, because I as a citizen of Indonesia feel emotion feel angry when beloved country in international embarrassment, where Indonesia regard the eyes in the international world . They forget what Indonesia is asleep with my joining in PT weaponry in my country is ambitious to wake up one of the Asian tigers of indoneia by creating a nuclear weapon that has many uses in plantation technology, electrical technology and others for Indonesia to be a developed country and respected. So a human being in 5 years to come I want to marry a woman who is now accompany me encouraged me in a career. I am ambitious to build a harmonious household that is well-off and certainly not forget to be happy with the job and the big salary. Of course I want to have a terraced house with a swimming pool in it and a four-wheeled vehicle (car) I want my mother, wife and children to walk and bride in a beautiful place later. '' From the ideology of a cocoon to a beautiful butterfly butterflies need to connect in the process So it depends on us to be beautiful or become a carcass flower where only name is Flower but have a bad smell " Ambition, dreaming and aspiring dreams it is necessary karna to motivate ourselves to be a hardworking figure and always strive for god swt. To facilitate all the affairs of the world and the hereafter